пятница, 28 марта 2014 г.

The Benefits of Anavar

Anavar was developed to manage conditions of muscle wasting and quick weight loss, as is a common reason for inception with any anabolic steroid. Developed in 1964, by Searle Laboratories to treat such conditions, Searle is no longer in existence as it was bought and absorbed into Pfizer in 2003.  As you can see Searle developed some very significant products over the years and its development of Anavar is no exception because with its inception one of the safest anabolic steroids for both men and women would hit the shelves.

Comprised of Oxandrolone, Anavar as it is commonly known is a Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) anabolic steroid with almost no androgenic qualities and peaceful anabolic properties. An oral steroid, Anavar is like most oral steroids a C17alpha-alkylated medication (17-aa) signification it has been altered at the 17th carbon position to allow it to survive ingestion by surviving the first pass through the liver; without the 17-aa alteration the steroid would be destroyed before it ever entered the blood stream. By this alteration the steroid is allowed to survive and enter the blood stream where it becomes active and the benefits are received. As you may grasp the 17-aa procedure can be toxic to the liver, for this reason many individuals will avoid oral anabolic steroids but as it pertains to Anavar we must build an exception. Unlike most 17-aa medications Anavar appears to be very mild on the liver, so mild that most who use it experience little to no elevation in liver enzymes.

As a very mild anabolic steroid Anavar is not well-suited for bulking cycles or gaining phases; you will not produce a vast amount of lean muscle tissue through its use when speaking of execution enhancing purposes; however, what is produced will be solid muscle tissue. The greatest benefits associated with this particular steroid lie within muscle preservation and metabolic activity. This simply means Anavar has the ability to not only aid in reducing corpse-fat but preserving muscle tissue while on a calorie restricted diet; further, the more muscle tissue we have the greater our metabolic activity will be thereby increasing the rate in-which corpse-fat is utilized for energy. Because Anavar is apt for fat reduction and muscle preservation it is commonly used by build athletes during their competition preparation, as well as by common gym rats who simply want to look leaner and tighter at the beach.

The Side-Effects of Anavar:
Most anabolic steroids carry with them the possibility of many adverse side-effects. It is significant to keep in mind these side-effects are only possible, they are by no means guaranteed or assured and are largely avoidable when used responsibly. However, negative side-effects can occur when steroids are abused and even in some who are sensitive even though they use responsibly they may fall prey to negative outcomes; the same can be said of Aspirin. While many anabolic steroids carry vast possible negative side-effects such as estrogenic related due to aromatization, Anavar does not possess these traits. Anavar does not aromatize making common side-effects such as Gynecomastia little to no concern; Further, as most steroids are very suppressive to normal testosterone production Anavar is very peaceful in this regard, so peaceful that one could take Anavar and still make some natural testosterone. However, some suppression will still exist and the extent will largely be portion dependent.

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