пятница, 19 декабря 2014 г.

The Benefits of Aromasin in bodybuilding

Aromasin is the trade name for Exemestane, a drug used to treat breast cancer in women. Similarly to arimidex, it is member of the aromatase inhibitor class of drugs. The drug was FDA approved in 1999 and has become very popular across the globe in post menopausal women. Aromasin is a suicidal aromatase inhibitor (AI), meaning it permanently disables the aromatase enzyme once it binds to it. In plain English, Aromasin will prevent the currently bound enzymes from rebounding, which is what separates this drug from Letrozole or Arimidex. When you use other AI’s, they temporarily stop estrogen from aromatizing, but when you stop taking them those same enzymes can rebound causing what is known as ‘estrogen rebound’. This explains why some anabolic steroid users experience gynecomastia (bitch tits) after cycle when using other AI’s. Studies on breast cancer patients have shown Aromasin reduced estrogen levels up to 85%. Certain anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) convert to estrogen in the body; all testosterone esters, Nandrolones, dianabol, and Boldenone are examples. If not controlled, the user runs the risk of developing several types of estrogen side effects such as gynecomastia (bitch tits), water retention, blood pressure and heart problems. There is a domino effect that can occur if estrogen gets out of control.  Just imagine carrying around two gallons of water all day.

The user may notice feeling rundown and tired, blood pressure will soar, and motivation will decrease. These side effects will defeat the purpose of running steroids in the first place. In addition, high estrogen levels, when coming off a cycle, will interfere with recovery of the bodies natural testosterone levels.

On the other hand, if you run a harsh AI, which eliminates too much estrogen, it can also have negative effects on libido, mood, and dry out the joints. Since Aromasin is a suicide aromatase inhibitor, you should work on controlling the dosage and tailoring it to your cycle. Don’t just use random dosages without looking at your whole steroid cycle. Very similar in many ways to other aromatase inhibitors, particularly Arimidex and Letrozole, Aromasin has some characteristics unique unto its own. Like all aromatase inhibitors Aromasin is useful to the steroid using athlete in the prevention of unwanted side-effects such as Gynecomastia and excess water retention. By its mode of action Aromasin inhibits the conversion of estrogen in the body; as many anabolic steroids convert to estrogen after administration due to the aromatase process, Aromasin actively inhibits this process. By its inhibiting nature the total amount of estrogen in the body is reduced and blocked from binding thereby preventing common associated adverse side-effects. While the aromatase inhibiting effect is its primary function and primary reason for using Aromasin it also carries with it other characteristics that may be of interest to the anabolic steroid user. Aromasin has been shown to greatly stimulate natural testosterone production by a slight androgenic nature. While other aromatase inhibitors can also increase total testosterone production Aromasin actively does so while increasing natural IGF 1 production as well, Arimidex and Letrozole cannot boast such a claim.

For the anabolic androgenic steroid using athlete the most important question is when is the best time to use Aromasin as it can be effectively used while on cycle for the prevention of estrogenic related side-effects as well as during post cycle therapy (PCT.) It can be used for both purposes but most will find PCT periods to be best served with SERMs and hCG and the use of aromatase inhibitors while on cycle to be the most efficient method of practice. If you are on the verge of using Aromasin immediately or after your anabolic steroid cycle, it is critical that you have good knowledge of the benefits of the drug, tips while using this drug and also the precautions you need to take while using this drug.

Aromasin has an active life of about 24-40 hours. It has been used by athletes and bodybuilders both as an aromatose inhibitor on those harsh, aromatizable steroids. Aromasin works by inhibiting the production of estrogen in the body and initiating a restoration of natural hormone production. Aromasin is also potent enough to facilitate reversal of estrogen-induced negative reactions such as acne, oily skin and bloating within 3-5 weeks of usage. Aromasins also have the capability to greatly enhance the bioavailability of the anabolic steroids being used in the steroid cycles. Aromasin use in Post cycle therapy

As discussed Aromasin is an aromatose inhibtor which can reduce estrogen levels dramatically and enhance testosterone production. Aromasin however is not the most popular aromatose inhibitor in the market today as bodybuilders and athletes continue to prefer Arimidex and Letrozole over it. The reason is simple really, Aromasins came into the market much after the Arimidex or Letrozole so it has yet to receive the cult following the other two drugs command. Aromasin was introduced by a company called Pharmacia and Upjohn in the year 1999. Moreover, aromasins are not as widely availabe as Arimidex or Letrozole.  When there are the other  well accepted aromatose inhibitors in the market why should you consider Aromasin as your aromatose inhibitor of choice?  Letrozole and Arimidex can reduce estrogen levels up to 98% in the body which is more effective than the 85% of Aromasin. But a 98% reduction of estrogen can have complications for the user such as hindered muscle gain and a decrease in sex drive. Aromasin when taken in controlled dosages of 25mg per day leaves a sufficient amount of estrogen in the body and also promotes free development of insulin and testosterone in the body. Combining Aromasin with Nolvadex during post steroidal cycle therapy is potentially a better combination because of aromasin's capability of facilitating testosterone production which is considered vital in the post cycle therapy process.

Nolvadex is also known to greatly diminish the blood plasma levels of aromatose inhibitors like Letrozole or Arimidex, which means they are not bound to be as effective when used with nolvadex in the post cycle therapy. If you still go with these aromatose inhibitors you are wasting your money as Nolvadex has already reduced their effectiveness. Aromasin however remains unaffected by Nolvadex in this respect and should be considered as the aromatose inhibitor of choice. The reason Aromasin remains largely unaffected is because it is a type-I aromatose inhibitor meaning that once it has completed its job of deactivating the aromatase enzyme, you would not need it anymore. However, other aromatose inhibitors like Letrozole need to be present in the body for long periods of time which allows Nolvadex to intervene and alter their pharmacokinetics resulting in them losing their effectiveness.

Also, during Post cycle theraphy, Aaromasin cut down the production of Sex hormone Binding Globulin(SHBG) by at least 20% in males. SHBG is a notorious enzyme which attaches itself to testosterone and is known to render it useless for the purpose of body building. Other aromatose inhibitors do not have the potential to reduce SHBG.

The recommended and optimum usage of Aromasin is about a single dose of 50mg per day. After meals though, taking a single dose of 25mg can be potent enough to reduce the estrogen levels in the body by a dramatic 70-80% within 24 hours of consumption. Aromasin is not suitable for pregnant women and those who are lactating, children, those allergic to Aromasin or its other components, those being treated for prostrate of testicular cancer, high blood pressure patients and those having a history of stroke occurrence or liver damage etc.

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