среда, 11 марта 2015 г.

Testosterone Cypionate and Post Cycle Therapy

Testosterone Cypionate is one of the many synthetic versions of testosterone. It is the second most popular testosterone variant after another synthetic version, Testosterone enanthate. It is usually delivered to the body in the form of an oil-soluble intramuscular injection. In this form, it is called Depo - Testosterone.

In powder form, Testosterone Cypionate is creamy white with nearly no odor. It is stable in air and dissolves in alcohol, vegetable oil, ether, and chloroform but does not dissolve in water. Testosterone Cypionate (GP Test Cyp) is basically esterified testosterone, so it has increased lipid solubility. Nearly 90% of an injection is excreted in urine as sulfuric acid and glucuronic acid conjugates of testosterone and its related metabolites. It is not recommended for individuals under 18 years of age. Also, it should not be used by women, especially those who are pregnant, because it may cause damage to the fetus.

Testosterone Cypionate (GP Test Cyp) is used as a replacement for natural testosterone in men, who are suffering from low testosterone levels. It is a prescription drug and legally speaking, it can be given only when testosterone deficiency has been confirmed through symptoms or blood tests. The body cannot store testosterone, which means if you are suffering from a deficiency you will have to continue taking these injections at regular intervals and in proper doses. Apart from individuals who are suffering from low levels of testosterone, it is also used by many athletes and body builders for its anabolic properties.

Testosterone Cypionate can help promote fat loss, increase sex drive, help in gaining muscle mass, and increase the density of bone. Like testosterone, Testosterone Cypionate (GP Test Cyp) also has an anabolic and androgenic rating of 100. It has a long half-life and a slow release rate of about 8-10 days. It is similar to Testosterone Enanthate in its effect and you can even switch between them. Nearly 14 million men in the US, above the age of 45 years, have testosterone deficiency. It can lead to a loss of strength and muscle mass, diminished sexual performance and libido, body fat increase, and low levels of energy. Low testosterone levels can also lead to diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, and more. Like all anabolic steroids, the more you take in Testosterone Cypionate, the more will be the rewards, but when you do this, the incidence of side effects also increase. It can be bought in two strengths – 100mg and 200 mg. Since it is absorbed slowly, you can inject it at an interval of two or four weeks. Many factors determine how much Testosterone Cypionate (GP Test Cyp) a person can take safely. These include body weight, medical conditions, and the intake of other medicines. Usually, an adult male can take a dose of 200 mg of Testosterone Cypionate (GP Test Cyp) every fourteen days. The gluteal muscle in the buttocks is the usual site of injection.

Some individuals split the intake of Testosterone Cypionate into smaller but equal doses, which are then injected over a period of time. The advantage of this method is that it keeps the level of the steroid in the blood at a peak and it also controls the side effects that may result from using large doses. Smaller doses also mean that the body has to deal with fewer steroids at one time. Regardless of what dose you use, you will find that Testosterone Cypionate (GP Test Cyp) is well tolerated by the body and you can use it for long cycles. Some individuals even run Testosterone Cypionate cycles of 12 weeks to 16 weeks.

Note that you may need to have a Post Cycle Therapy plan in place before you end your Testosterone Cypionate (GP Test Cyp) cycle. But again, this depends on the length of the off-period (the time when you will not be taking any steroids). If this off-period is more than 10 weeks, you will need Post Cycle Therapy.

Increasing your dosage suddenly might actually slow down results. This is because the body converts any excess testosterone into estrogen, by a process called aromatase. It is a natural reaction and the body does it so that a normal hormone level can be maintained. So, taking large doses is not a good idea.

Women are advised not to take Testosterone Cypionate because it has strong androgenic properties. After all, testosterone is primarily a male androgen. But on the other hand, women can also have low testosterone levels and they may benefit from taking anabolic steroids. In this case, the dosage should be very low and should be carefully watched out for.The side effects of Testosterone cypionate can be easily controlled. It is not guaranteed that these side effects will even occur. It will all depend on the dose that you take, whether you are genetically predisposed to them, and your current health. Here is little more about the side effects that can be expected.

Testosterone Cypionate (GP Test Cyp) is another form of testosterone, so there will be aromatase activity. As the level of estrogen in the blood rises, it can lead to water retention and gynecomastia. So, many body builders do not prefer Testosterone Cypionate (GP Test Cyp) for gaining muscle mass. When they do take it, they will stack it with other anabolic steroids. To deal with gynecomastia, many individuals take SERMs or selective estrogen receptor modulators like Tamoxifen Citrate or aromatase inhibitors like Anastrozole. Side effects like hair loss (in men who have a predisposition to male pattern baldness), acne, and prostate enlargement have also been noticed after the dosage of Testosterone Cypionate.

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